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Objection Handling For Learning 2.0

This is a useful series of posts.
All of the links are also in the last post, no. 15.
15 Objections to Social Learning in 15 Days
From The Engaged Lenring Blog by Kevin Jones
“For the next three weeks, each business day I will be posting a new objection to Social Learning, with my answer in writing. Now, my answer may be different in practice because of the particular situation and due to the fact that not all questions are answered by words, but rather by action and experience. But at least it is a start.”
Objection #15 – The Silent Yet Deadly
Objection #14: Prove It!
Objection #13: How Do You Measure ROI?
Objection #12: How Will You Measure That It Is Working?
Objection #11: Too Much Info
Objection #10: Wasting Time
Objection #9: They Aren’t Technical
Objection #8: Out of Date Information
Objection #7: The Information is Wrong!
Objection #6: Mixing Things Up
Objection #5: How Do You Know it’s Accurate?
Objection #4: Posting Anything, Including Bonobos
Objection #3: Control of Information
Objection #2: What Does This Have To Do With Training?
Objection #1: Socialize!
Nice effort.

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Posted on: July 29, 2008, 3:24 pm Category: Uncategorized

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  1. I like a lot of these technologies but resistance is still encountered. At one place I know (a government library), many social websites/ 2.0 websites are either monitored or blocked by the organization’s IT. One gets the impression that such activities are viewed as leisure and do not belong in the workplace.
    Any ideas on how to communicate the importance of openness to 2.0 technologies to a large bureaucracy?