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Boomers – Not Dead, Not Broke Yet

From USA Today and Forrester Research:
Older folks like Wii, PCs and cellphones, too
“According to Forrester Research, U.S. adults 64 and older who bought technology in a recent three-month period spent an average $365 on consumer electronics products and $429 on computer hardware and peripherals. And Forrester points out that Americans 55 to 64 are more active in online finance, shopping and entertainment than those under 55.”
“EA says about a third of visitors to its puzzle, word and board game site are Boomers or older who say they play Pogo games to keep their minds sharp. Howard Byck, senior vice president of lifestyle products at AARP, says its own gaming area (Sudoku, Solitaire, etc.) is the most-visited part of He says 7 million Boomers without kids at home have video game systems. ”
“Boomers will never be seniors in the traditional sense. “Hell, no, they won’t go,” she says of Boomers trying to resist old age. “We text, we Skype, we Twitter,” ”
The article has four simple strategies for adapting to this changing market niche.
1. Senior-friendly computers
2. Smartphones for older people
3. Keeping mind and body sharp
4. Keeping it simple
Either way, Millennials, X’ers, Boomers – whatever the label – just know your consumer/customer/user and addres their needs in a delightful way.


Posted on: January 9, 2009, 4:02 pm Category: Uncategorized

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