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eBooks and the Sony Reader

This is good news for me, I hope. Even though they’re clearly in the public domain (and 20 years earlier in Canada) these might not make it to the Sony Store for Canadians.
Google Brings 500,000 Public Domain eBooks To Sony Readers
And they’re free.
Hooked on classics better be a trend!
And for all those libraries with space issues and wanting to provide a good classics selectin, maybe lending Sony Readers is a good start. Of course, you can read the public domain stuff on a regular computer (PC, Mac, laptops, etc.) so just using the Google API in you OPAC makes it more convenient too. Just click and read.
Do we need a public domain collection development policy or do you just add the whole batch to your OPAC with freetext, fulltext searching?


Posted on: March 19, 2009, 3:44 pm Category: Uncategorized

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  1. The question “Do we need a public domain collection development policy or do you just add the whole batch to your OPAC with freetext, fulltext searching?” is a really important one. My best guess is that many major libraries will just add the whole batch, which has important implications for the whole notion of collection development. I wonder what happens when libraries stop being selective: