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Google and Visual Display

Google Blogoscoped has a post worth reviewing titled Google’s Wonder Wheel Experiment, and More
“Google is running an experiment in their search results, apparently shown to a portion of their users. What happens is that on the search results, say for the query comic books, a link in the top blue bar will read “Show options…”. Click it, and a side bar full of options expands to the left.
The options include some known experiments, plus things I didn’t see so far. There are restriction options to show only recent results, only videos, only forum entries, or only reviews. You can sort by relevance, or by date, and you can only show results from time ranges like the past 24 hours or the past week. You can opt to receive longer snippet text, and images. There’s also a timeline feature and search suggestions.”
It’s interesting to see Google looking into visual search result display.

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Posted on: March 26, 2009, 9:18 am Category: Uncategorized

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