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Conference Season

It’s conference season again. Over the next few months we have a few of the big conferences in North America – SLA, ALA and CLA. Then there’s quite a few satellites. Every year I point to my conference tips article since folks seem to find it useful.
However, this year the SLA blog pointed me to this great one:
27 Things To Do Before a Conference
It’s got tons of new ideas that I hadn’t fully internalized yet. Of course I should be checking out Twitter search for the latest gossip about what looks good along with the usual Google Blog Search and Technorati. (Check out SLA’s hashtag #sla2009 too) I shold also ask my peeps on all my social networks if they’re going to be where I am. It’s always better to have some F2F time.
Planning ahead – what a novel concept! I’d also check out the exhibits maps to make sure I’m seeing the folks I need to see. Often different people from vendors come to the big conferences.
Just look for me in the SirsiDynix booth (or on the program at ALA and SLA).

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Posted on: May 23, 2009, 1:18 pm Category: Uncategorized

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