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Library Mailing Lists for Dummies

TechCrunch again reports the ConScore numnbers:
Twitter Surges Past Digg, LinkedIn, And With 32 Million Global Visitors
by Erick Schonfeld
Yes, that’s more visitors that the NYT!
Many library folk I know have their Website, Facebook, Twitter and Blog presences totally integrated, or at least it looks that way. They’re better than me. I have a new learning thing on my list to stop repeating postings keyboarding.
I assume that everyone has a simple Twitter presence for their library. I’ve been following a few to see what they’re doing with them. Easy reminders of programs, links to blog postings, photos, etc. using TinyURL, library hours, etc. It seems like a simple way to learn early and see what comes next. Will Twitter stay simple? Will it integrate with another service? Will another service like BigG or BigF come up with a neater more viral idea? Don’t know yet but it’s fun to watch…

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Posted on: May 24, 2009, 12:20 pm Category: Uncategorized

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