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Search Innovation

One of the most innovative and interesting things we’re doing at SirsiDynix is in the Enterprise search and discovery product and the work with trigrams and fuzzy logic. It’s just amazing.
SirsiDynix Enterprise® Search and Discovery Coming to Over 30 Libraries
PROVO, UT – SirsiDynix, the world’s leader in strategic technology solutions for libraries, is pleased to announce that SirsiDynix Enterprise®, a leading edge search and discovery tool, is coming to over 30 libraries across the world in the next few months.
The following customers are among those who recently chose SirsiDynix Enterprise as their search and discovery solution:
Alexandria Library
Alliance Library System
Avon Lake Public Library
Baystate Medical Center
Bedford Public Library
Burley Public Library
City of Yarra
Cromaine District Library
Cumberland County Libraries
Eaton Corporation
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Fachhochschule Trier, Standort
Glasgow Colleges
Grand Ledge Area District Library
Imperial Valley College
Kalamazoo Public Library
Maricopa County Community College District
Montgomery City-County Public Library
North Logan City Library
Pioneer Library System
Suburban Library Cooperative
Washoe County Library System
Thiel College Langenheim Memorial Library
Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld
University of Buckingham
University for the Creative Arts
Warren County Library
Wells County Public Library
Yuma County Library District
SirsiDynix Enterprise is a search and discovery tool that helps patrons find what they need through a single search box. Accurate search results can be found even when typos, misspellings, diacritics, prefixes, and suffixes are involved. In addition, community features such as ratings and reviews can be added through ChiliFresh.
Other features include:
Trigram analysis, or “fuzzy logic” which evaluates each trigram in a word to allow for typos, diacritics and more: a first in the library search and discovery market
“Did you mean” suggestions which are based on terms in the catalog (rather than a generic third-party dictionary)
Dynamic search suggestions
Delivery of saved searches through an RSS web feed
Email and print options for search results
Built-in “Library Favorites”
The capability for libraries to define their own “Favorites”, profiles, languages and filters
Available for any size of library or consortia
An example of SirsiDynix Enterprise can be found at Wells County Public Library’s Enhanced Search site ( Christine Will, Systems Administrator at Wells County said, “Our site has been using Enterprise for the past couple months. We advertise it to our customers as our new enhanced searching. We are excited about the possibilities and the direction Enterprise will take our online catalog.”
Gary Rautenstrauch, SirsiDynix chief executive officer, said “We are pleased with the features and ease of use that Enterprise offers both library staff and users, and we congratulate those who have taken the bold step to make searching more powerful and relevant. We look forward to further development and innovations in Enterprise and are confident it will continue to make searching both easy and powerful in the future.”
Steve Arnold has picked ths up on his blog Beyond Search and comments about the importance of this space.
If you haven’t seen a demo of Enterprise, you’re mnissing something. Check it out at the CLA, ALA and SLA conferences soon.

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Posted on: May 24, 2009, 4:16 pm Category: Uncategorized

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