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Productivity and the ILS had a article last week called:
6 Drains on Worker Productivity (and Company $$$)
It reminded me of a service that SirsiDynix offers with our consulting and training folk. Many people have owned our ILS for many years and have been through many decades of upgrades and changes. With each upgrade our development staff reviews the workflows and attempts to reduce the number of steps, reduce keystrokes and, overall, make the system more efficient and productive. Unfortunately this may require folks on the worker end to review their workflows to take advantage of the improvements. Often this happens. Often it doesn’t. Sometimes the systems folks aren’t aware of the overall reason for some of the changes to workflows or productivity opportunities in settings and defaults reviews. When these changes are covered in many hundreds of pages of release notes, it is understandable that the nuances can be missed. Also, some clients have trained internally for years and haven’t had the up-to-date training offered by us. There are a number of new and cost-effective options to consider here too.
Anyway, I just thought it might be a good time to remind folks that our consultants and trainers offer some tune-up options that might make your operations more efficient and productive. If you’ve upgraded your software and leapt versions, downsized or lost staff, experienced a retirement or budget cut – or are expecting any other changes of this nature, now might be the time to consider a short review to make sure that you are using your ILS to its optional advantage and that your staff are trained well.
Just an idea from the folks who pay my bills! If you’re visitig any of the major library conferences this season you’ll find some of these great folks staffing the booths. Have a chat.

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Posted on: May 25, 2009, 2:32 pm Category: Uncategorized

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