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Twitter Trends

Cory Doctorow points to The Guardian’s Meg Pickard’s graph that “compares ‘people talking about #topic’ and ‘people talking about talking about #topic’. So many of us are in a hashtag frenzy at conferences and meetings. I haven’t been to a conference in months where the hashtag wasn’t announced in the opening remarks.
At Computers in Libraries this year we were a top tag in Twitter. I think we have so many tweets that we slowed it down (grin). I suspect SLA will be the same as this is the second year we’re offering Twitter advice and training on the website.
The world sure is getting faster. And Twitter really shines as a conference tool!

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Posted on: May 27, 2009, 12:50 pm Category: Uncategorized

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  1. I think you are dead on with the last point you made “world is getting faster”. If you think about it, every piece of technology that gets big faster is a new way to communicate faster.