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I am told that the press is heavily represented in LinkedIn, the professional social networking site. Reporter friends tell me that they use it to find a lot of sources and story ideas.
Is your library PR department there? This is one way to get sourced for stories about the library in a variety of local press.
I know that I personally have been discovered by the press there and was able to place positive quites about libraries in the mainstream media – newspapers, blogs, TV, radio.
Anyway, I was reminded about that when I saw ths article:
LinkedIn Profiles: Avoid the Five Most Common Mistakes
What are the 5 mistakes?:
1. Not having a professional picture or no picture at all
2. Having a poorly descriptive professional headline
3. Improperly labeling websites displaying your work or blog
4. Ugly URLs (Consider a Vanity URL)
5. Not finishing strong in your proile with a strong, SEO-Ffiendly summary
The biggest mistake is not being where the people you want to communicate with are. It’s a good thing to meet these local press folks face to face. It’s also a good thing to get on their electronic Rolodex like LinkedIn.
Apparently LinkedIn helps with job finding too!

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Posted on: May 28, 2009, 2:46 pm Category: Uncategorized

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