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Two Great Social Visuals

Are you trying to figure out where all this social web stuff fits? I like these two visuals as discussion starting points. They’re too detailed for a big presentation but they’re great for small group work.
The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and Jesse Thomas is wonderful. Buy the poster here.
And this early demonstration of where Twitter fits is fascinating. Twitterverse by Jess3 & Brian Solis will be a poster soon. I could stare at it for a while and get new insights about all these tools.
Now we’re just talking about conversation and communication. That’s what humans do and they use different tools across the board. I like to evaluate these into how they fit into the human social equation.
Then again, I still remember people in my neighbourhood when I was a kid who refused to get a telephone. After all, if they really needed it they could just get someone else to do it for them!

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Posted on: May 28, 2009, 11:16 am Category: Uncategorized

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