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McLuhan 100 Conference

The year 2011 marks the centenary of the birth of Marshall McLuhan. Learn more about the man who foresaw how technology would transform humanity. And find out what he means to our city by taking part in dozens of events, installations and conversations.

Don’t miss the first annual McLuhan international conference (Nov. 7-10) and festival (from Nov. 5).


Special one day pass now offered! Buy all four days for less than $70 per day.  Students: Buy all four days for less than $20/day, or a one day pass for $35.  Includes continental breakfast, snacks, lunch and networking receptions.

Go to the conference site for the full lineup or download the full program (pdf).



November 7-10, 2011

4 full days of investigations and discussions on the past, present and future of McLuhan’s work and influence, both in Toronto and around the global village.

Featuring world-renowned scholars and lecturers


Film screenings, concerts and visual art happening all across the city

See the FULL CONFERENCE AND FESTIVAL LINEUP. (you will leave this site)


Hosted by the University of Toronto Faculty of Information together with Ryerson, York and OCAD Universities and dozens of Toronto cultural institutions.

This looks like an exciting conference of ideas for information and knowledge professionals.



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Posted on: October 29, 2011, 9:53 pm Category: Uncategorized

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