I am such a geek / nerd / dork /goofball that I can’t really tell anymore. Can anyone tell me if I’m a trekker or a trekkie? I like ST and TNG and all the rest. Can I wear my Angry Birds t-shirt with my spock ears? I lost my pocket protector. If anyone finds it, please send it on.
Friday Humor: Collection of Geeks & Nerds Infographics
The Anatomy of Nerds + Geeks was found at NerdBeach.com.
The Evolution of the Geek breaks down different kinds of geeks.
Geek vs. Nerd was found at at Geekytyrant.
2 Responses
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I continue to disagree with the notion that nerd = “hur hur hur.” Geek is the term that I want to have nothing to do with since that is the less sophisticated terminology for techies.
I always heard that the difference between a nerd and a geek is that a nerd’s life revolves around computers; a geek likes it that way.