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Informational Brief: Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement

From Gary Price at InfoDocket:

“Informational Brief: Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement

Posted on February 25, 2012     by

From a Report Summary via METRO:

The New York Comprehensive Center (NYCC)/RMC Research Corporation, in consultation with the New York State Education Department, the New York State Library and the New York Library Association has produced a new publication entitled, Informational Brief: Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement.  This comprehensive brief provides a current and rigorous research analyses which demonstrates the positive impact that school libraries and school librarians have in advancing student learning.


By referencing numerous studies conducted throughout the United States, the brief illustrates the importance of school libraries in the lives of all students, particularly when it comes to literacy, college and career readiness, assessment and graduation rates.  The brief is framed around the New York State Board of Regents Reform Agenda. The Executive Summary will be published in the Spring edition of “In Transition,” the journal of the New York State Middle School Association.

Direct to Executive Summary (2 pages; PDF)

Direct to Full Text Report (19 pages; PDF)

See Also: New Jersey: Three-Year Study Asserts Benefits of School Libraries on Student Learning (INFOdocket; February 16, 2012 ) Another recently released report.”




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Posted on: February 28, 2012, 8:08 am Category: Uncategorized

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