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The Nine Principal Rules of Creative Leadership

The Nine Principal Rules of Creative Leadership

“Whether you are the CEO of a large organisation; the leader of a team or division within such an organisation; or the founder of a small company, creative leadership is critical to your innovation success. Innovation is the result of successfully implementing creative ideas. Moreover, the process from idea to implementation, of a breakthrough innovation, requires a great deal of creativity. And to achieve this, you need creative leadership. Let’s look at the nine principal rules.”

“1. It is not about your creativity. It is aboutyour team’s creativity

2. You do not need to be creative. But you needto understand creativity

3. Diversity

4. Identify strengths and weaknesses on yourteam

5. Trust your people

6. Embrace failure

7. Encourage debate

8. Champion ideas

9. Make ideas come true”

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Posted on: March 31, 2012, 7:27 am Category: Uncategorized

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