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Mokena Public Library Google Inside a Building Tour: Check it out

Highlight: Many were impressed with the virtual tour of Mokena Public Library on Google demonstrated at Internet Librarian. Check it out for yourself here:

<strong>Google Virtual Tour</strong>,-87.891569&spn=0.006578,0.016512&sll=41.534541,-87.891673&layer=c&cid=3032706493320299617&panoid=YzIJsSHY1q17d2euS5Fjmw&cbp=13,173.53,,0,0&hq=mokena+library&t=m&z=17&cbll=41.534549,-87.891558

As far as we know this is the FIRST Inside a Building tour by Google for a library.

Excitingly cool and awesome1


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Posted on: October 26, 2012, 1:13 pm Category: Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. My library has one too that I embedded on our website C00L! We’ve had it about a month.