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Arizona St. University Will Soon Begin Roll Out of Biz Incubators Located Inside Public Libraries, Scottsdale Public Library Will Be Home to First Incubator
Arizona State is planning in the next few months to roll out a network of co-working business incubators inside public libraries, starting with a pilot in the downtown Civic Center Library in Scottsdale. The university is calling the plan, ambitiously, the Alexandria Network.
Participating libraries will host dedicated co-working spaces for the program, as well as both formal classes and informal mentoring from the university’s start-up resources. The librarians themselves will be trained by the university to help deliver some of the material. The network will offer everything, in short, but seed money. “As we develop this pilot and start to scale it out,” [Tracy] Lea [venture manager at Arizona State University’s Venture Catalyst] adds, “we would like to be able to direct people on how to find those resources.”
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Learn More About the Project in this Arizona St. University Venture Catalyst Announcement from Feb. 5, 2013.
The Alexandria Project Web Page”
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RT @sabram: Biz Incubators Located Inside Public Libraries: Excellent Idea File: http://t.co/t7KqyzqOdK
Arizona St. University Will Soon Begin Roll Out of Biz Incubators Located Inside Public Libraries via @sabram
RT @sabram: Biz Incubators Located Inside Public Libraries: Excellent Idea File: http://t.co/t7KqyzqOdK
RT @sabram: Biz Incubators Located Inside Public Libraries: Excellent Idea File: http://t.co/t7KqyzqOdK