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26 incredible innovations that improved the world in 2015

26 incredible innovations that improved the world in 2015

1. The machine that converts poop into clean drinking water

2. The algorithm that can prevent HIV among homeless youth


3. The sneaker technology designed for people with disabilities


4. The life-saving device that can seal a wound in under a minute


5. The “Internet on a microchip”


6. Dinnerware that makes life easier for dementia sufferers


7. 3D-printed rotors that freeze seawater into drinking water


8. The lamps powered by plants

9. A revolutionary material that could absorb large oil spills


10. The laundry device that lets washers reuse water for months

11. The durable, flat-pack housing for refugees


12. A low-cost device that simplifies auto-transfusion

13. This 15-year-old’s energy probe powered by ocean waves


14. The prosthetic hand that can generate a sense of touch


15. A simple toolkit to help girls wash and dry reusable pads


16. The student-made device helping babies breathe

17. The eco-friendly brick that could revolutionize India

18. The printable strips for in-home testing of infectious diseases



19. The bindi delivering much-needed iodine to impoverished women in India


20. The beehive that harvests honey on its own

21. A smartphone dongle for 15-minute diagnostic tests


22. This advanced treatment for jaundice in newborns


23. The best knee joint prosthetic for developing world amputees

24. A temporary tattoo that helps diabetics track blood sugar


25. The ocean acidification sensor that revitalizes conservation

26. The app that helps blind people see through others’ eyes


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Posted on: December 30, 2015, 6:33 am Category: Uncategorized

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