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Getting Things Done in Higher Education

Getting Things Done in Higher Education

You need to know your internal influencers, and the problem is that they don’t necessarily follow formal reporting structures, titles or positions in higher education, writes Ellen de Graffenreid.

“A recent study by the Media Insight Project, a collaboration between the American Press Institute and the AP-NORC Center, found that the credibility of the person sharing news is more important to how much the recipient trusts the content than the original news source. But how can you best determine who is credible on your campus and whose opinion matters on a specific issue?”

“You should ask, “Who are the most important stakeholders on this issue?” “Who is likely to have a strong opinion about this change?” “Who is really advocating for this initiative and why?” If you ask these questions of enough people, patterns will emerge that help you identify both the informal and formal influencers. Additionally, people like to give their opinion and will appreciate that you asked.”



Posted on: May 21, 2017, 6:23 am Category: Uncategorized

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