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The Number of U.S. Homes with Only Wireless (Cell/Mobile) Telephones Continues to Grow, Up 2.4% to 54.9% Since First Half of 2017

New, Preliminary Results: The Number of U.S. Homes with Only Wireless (Cell/Mobile) Telephones Continues to Grow, Up 2.4% to 54.9% Since First Half of 2017

“From the National Center for Health Statistics (Wireless Substitution: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, January–June 2018)

Preliminary results from the January– June 2018 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) indicate that the number of American homes with only wireless telephones continues to grow. More than one-half of American homes (54.9%) had only wireless telephones (also known as cellular telephones, cell phones, or mobile phones) during the first half of 2018—an increase of 2.4 percentage points since the first half of 2017. More than three in four adults aged 25-34 (77.3%), and a similar percentage of adults renting their homes (74.4%), were living in wireless-only households. This report presents the most up-to-date estimates available from the federal government concerning the size and characteristics of this population.


Source: NCHS

Direct to Complete Report: Wireless Substitution: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, January–June 2018)
13 pages; PDF.”


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Posted on: January 29, 2019, 6:59 am Category: Uncategorized

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