Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Publishes “Environmental Scan 2019”
“From the Introduction:
Every two years, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee writes an Environmental Scan, a summary of the key themes in libraries and higher education. Many topics in this arena are in a state of perpetual change.
This year’s scan focuses largely on developments from the last two years (2017 and 20018) in long standing themes primarily centered in the U.S. In some cases these build on last year’s Top Trends and there are a few instances of notable events that may indicate larger changes to come.
The 2019 Environmental Scan will provide an overview for all librarians working in or with an interest in higher education. Since changes can unfold over years, those deeply interested in this landscape should also consult the RPRC documents for the last four years. The footnotes provide a solid starting point for taking a deeper dive into these topics.
Direct to Full Text (41 pages; PDF)”
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