Love this video and so happy to see the movement quickening in Canadian libraries!
Ending Library Fines Research and Information
With the fiction of normality having just been exposed by the pandemic, why are we constantly talking of a New Normal? Let’s find the Silver Lining: How can we re-open libraries better and stronger and put our institutional purpose into action?
So, here’s a document to underpin Library Board and Management conversations about fines and fine policies.
Ending Library Fines Research and Information
Let’s end fines in Ontario . . . or at least start.
In the crucible that is Post-COVID 19 public library strategic planning, we have an opportunity to reimagine library services and reconnect with our core values, vision and mission. Fines, in many ways conflict with our strategic intent in public libraries and research shows that they interfere with our goals – and, sadly they don’t get the books back faster, they can ruin our public relations as a top-of-mind issue for our members, and interfere with the lives and success of our most needy, young, and disadvantaged members.
FOPL chose to collect all of our links, news reports, and research here to assist public libraries and their boards to decide how and when they might reduce or remove fines. (HINT: Now is a good time to celebrate your re-opening. Ideally, your fines and returns policies should be approved in a generic fashion and leave the details as to amounts from Zero+ cents and the target members (kids, youth, students, adults, seniors, homebound, disabled, etc.) up to the CEO and Management Team.
Five Unexpected Benefits of Eliminating Library Fines
- Benefit #1: Librarians and staff can provide better service to patrons
- Benefit #2: Being fine-free is more aligned with the real mission of the library
- Benefit #3: Libraries seeing an increase in item returns
- Benefit #4: Libraries can use their resources better
- Benefit #5: Eliminating fines can lead to a renewed appreciation for the library (or at least provide some good PR)
[As an aside when most Alberta Public libraries stopped being the only jurisdiction in Canada to charge for library cards, they say huge (double-digit) growth in library use, memberships and card ownership.]
NPR: ‘We Wanted Our Patrons Back’ — Public Libraries Scrap Late Fines to Alleviate Inequity
“A form of social inequity”
“Acknowledging these consequences, the American Library Association passed a resolution in January in which it recognizes fines as “a form of social inequity” and calls on libraries nationwide to find a way to eliminate their fines.
“Library users with limited income tend to stay away from libraries because they may be afraid of incurring debt,” said Ramiro Salazar, president of the association’s public library division. “It stands to reason these same users will also stay away if they have already incurred a fine simply because they don’t have the money to pay the fine.”
Lifting fines has had a surprising dual effect: More patrons are returning to the library, with their late materials in hand. Chicago saw a 240% increase in return of materials within three weeks of implementing its fine-free policy last month. The library system also had 400 more card renewals compared with that time last year.”
How are overdue fines preventing you from meeting your library’s core values?
If you’ve not considered making your library fine free or want to know more about it, start with the white paper Removing Barriers to Access: Eliminating Library Fines and Fees on Children’s Materials prepared for the Colorado State Library. In this white paper, Colorado State Library did a detailed and annotated literature review including:
Allen, J. (2011). New York scheme for 143,000 kids to work off library fines: Read. Reuters. Retrieved from
American Library Association. (2012). ALA policy statement: Library services to the poor. Extending our reach: Reducing homelessness through library engagement. Retrieved from
Breslin, F. & McMenemy, D. (2006). The decline in book borrowing from Britain’s public libraries: A small scale Scottish study. Library Review, 55(7), 414-428. doi:10.1108/00242530610682137
Burgin, R. & Hansel, P. (1984). More hard facts on overdues. Library & Archival Security, 6(2-3). 5-17.
Burgin, R. & Hansel, P. (1991). Library overdues: An update. Library & Archival Security, 10(2). 51-75.
Caywood, C. (1994). Penny wise, pound foolish. School Library Journal, 40(11), 44.
Chelton, M.K. (1984). What are fines for? Library Journal (109). 868-869.
Clayton, C. & Chapman, E.L. (2009). Fine tuning. Public Library Journal, 4(1), 12- 15. 23
DeFaveri, Annette. (2005). Breaking barriers: Libraries and socially excluded communities. Information for Social Change. Retrieved April 14, 2015 at
Hansel, P. (1983). Hard facts about overdues. Library Journal, 108(4), 349.
Holt, L. E. & Holt, G. E. (2010). Public library services for the poor: Doing all we can. Library Journal,135(113), 92.
Jerome, J. A. (2012). Occupy the library. Public Libraries, 51(6), 6-7.
Keller, J. (2011). New library cards mean no fines in Cincinnati. Public Libraries, 50(4), 13-16.
Livingston, C. P. (1975). Removing fines. School Library Journal, 21(7), 80.
McMenemy, D. (2010). On library fines: Ensuring civic responsibility or an easy income stream? Library Review, 59(2), 78-81. doi:10.1108/00242531011023835
Neuman, S. B. & Celano, D. (2004). Save the libraries! Educational Leadership, 61(6), 82-85.
Pogash, C. (2016, March 30). In San Jose, poor find doors to library closed. New York Times. Retrieved from
The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. (2016). Table of fines and fees. Retrieved from 24
Pyatetsky, J. (2015). The end of overdue fines? Public Libraries Online. Retrieved from
Reed, K., Blackburn, J. & Sifton, D. (2014). Putting a sacred cow out to pasture: Assessing the removal of fines and reduction of barriers at a small academic library. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40(3/4), 275-280. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2014.04.003
Shelley, A. (2014). Libraries support early literacy through no-fines initiative. Retrieved from
Smith, F. & Mitchell, W. (2005). Using rewards to minimize overdue book rates. Journal of Access Services, 3(1), 47-52. doi:10.1300/J204v03n01_04
Venturella, K. M. (1998). Poor people and library services. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland. West, N. S. (2012, March 25). Late? No, fine: More public libraries are dropping fees for overdue materials, after deciding the extra revenue isn’t worth the aggravation. Boston Globe. Retrieved from oston_libraries_are_dropping_fines_for_overdue_materials/
Zhang, D. (2013). SPELL research methodology and findings. Retrieved from _methodology_and_findings.pdf
The case against library fines—according to the head of The New York Public Library
Doing Away with Fines: A consummation devoutly to be wished?
Libraries Are Dropping Overdue Fines — But Can They Afford To?: If libraries get rid of fines, the benefits may outweigh the losses.
Four Niagara libraries eliminate late fees on children’s materials: Fort Erie, Lincoln, Niagara-on-the-Lake and Pelham implemented new policy in January
Breaking Down Barriers to Library Service-Going Fine Free
A fairly new website,, created to educate and inform librarians, library supporters, and the public about the benefits of eliminating library fines July 11, 2019 – The movement towards eliminating library fines has a place online at The website offers the latest research on ending library fines, current media articles about libraries eliminating their fines, and a constantly updated map showing which libraries around the world have eliminated all or most of their fines. As more and more libraries look to eliminate this barrier to access, the need for information on the topic grows for librarians, library supporters, and decision makers such as elected officials, deans and provosts, and the general public.
Overdue fines pose a significant barrier to library use for many vulnerable populations, especially people living in poverty. Families with young children are often negatively affected since overdue fines prohibit them from fully experiencing the rich early literacy materials and staff expertise available in libraries that are crucial to a child’s development. Studies have shown that a lack of literacy support at a young age can directly impact their long-term academic success as well as future employment opportunities and economic mobility.
Most notably, there is no research to support the long-held belief that fines encourage people to return library items on time. In practice, libraries that have eliminated fines in places such as Salt Lake City and St. Paul have maintained a consistent return rate. This shows that non-monetary incentives to return library materials on time are just as effective and without the additional staff time and equipment required to collected fines.
While eliminating library fines has been discussed within librarian circles since the late 1970s, it is only recently that the American Library Association passed a resolution which referred to monetary fines as a form of social inequity and encouraged all libraries to discontinue charging fines within their communities. Monetary fines are at odds with the core mission of the library to provide access to a wide variety of services and materials.
“We have arrived at the tipping point for the movement to eliminate library fines,” says Andy Woodworth, librarian and creator of “This website provides vital information to help those with the power to make the change to do so. It’s an important issue that makes a difference in the lives of those affected. It moves libraries back towards one of their commonly associated mottos: free to all.”
About Andy Woodworth
Andy Woodworth is an experienced public librarian and library advocate who has been involved in numerous statewide and national library issue campaigns and initiatives. Andy is a member of the American Library Association Working Group on Eliminating Fines in Libraries. He is a 2010 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, award winning blogger, library publication guest columnist, conference presenter, unconference organizer, and graphic designer. You can see his other library advocacy projects on his LinkedIn page:
“Library fines are a pressing social equality issue for the modern library. There is no study or research which shows that library fines function as a mechanism to encourage timely return of materials. Instead, they serve as an economic barrier that impedes access to library materials and services for the financially disadvantaged people within our communities, particularly minors. In addition, it creates conflict points between staff and the community, acts as a poison to public relations, and utilizes valuable staff time applying, collecting, and managing what can only be described as a regressive tax. It’s 2020. It’s time to end library fines for everyone.”
Interviews, Articles and Links
- More Libraries are Going Fine Free. Here’s Why (Changing America)
Meg and Andy talk about the movement to eliminate library fines. - Denton, Fort Worth are the Latest Libraries to Get Rid of Late Fines, a Trend Some Say is Overdue (Dallas Morning News)
Andy talks about the national trend to eliminate fines in libraries. - Librarian: Ending Library Fines is a Social Justice Issue (KJZZ)
Andy talks about the evolution of eliminating library fines on KJZZ’s program The Show. - Princh Library Lounge, Episode 2: Library Fines with Meg DePriest and Beth Crist
Meg and Beth talk about the importance of ending library fines within communities and the impact it can make.
All articles have their state or country (if not within the United States) added in brackets to the headline so as to be found with a webpage search (Ctrl+F). For example, if you wanted to find all articles relating to libraries in New Jersey, you would search for “[NJ]”. Non-US libraries can be found by searching for their country name (e.g. “Canada”, “Australia”, “Ireland”).
For multiple articles about the same library, the most reputable source is chosen for inclusion; therefore, this is not an exhaustive listing of all library fine articles. In addition, websites that use paywalls to limit article access are generally avoided.
2020 (Articles are updated on a rolling basis)
- Lancaster [MA] Library Removes Fines for Children’s, Young Adult Materials (
- Editorial: Eliminating Overdue Book Fines Increases Library Use for All (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
- North Library [IA] Public Library to Eliminate Fines for Overdue Materials (Little Village)
- ‘Not So Much an Incentive as a Punishment:’ North Library [IA] Library Gets Rid of Fines (Iowa City Press-Citizen)
- Removal of Late Fines Brings Surge in Patrons at Sarasota [FL] Libraries (Herald-Tribune)
- Williston [ND] Public Library Eliminating Book fees (KXNET)
- No More Late Fees – Richmond [VA] Public Library Ends Overdue Fines (WRIC ABC8)
- Mason County [MI] District Library is Going Fine Free (9&10 News)
- Delta Township [MI] District Library Eliminating Most Fines (WITL)
- Some Allegheny County [PA] Libraries Ditching Late Fees in Hopes that Readership Goes Up (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
- Miles-Maine [IL] Library Going Fine-Free (Journal-Topics)
- More Libraries Are Doing Away with Overdue Fines (New York Times)
- Sawyer Free Library [MA] to Eliminate Late Fees (Wicked Local Gloucester)
- Removal of Late Fines in Sarasota [FL] Libraries Proves Successful
- Overdue Fines Eliminated at Many Libraries in Allegheny County [PA] (WTAE Pittsburgh)
- Library Late Fines Removed Across Kempsey Shire [Australia] (Macleay Argus)
- Louisville [CO] Library Eliminates Late Fees for Kids’, Youth Materials (Colorado Hometown Weekly)
- Rowan County [KY] Public Library is Now Fine-Free (WMKY)
- Troy [NY] Public Library to go Fine Free (CBS6)
- Tolleson [AZ] Public Library Eliminates Late Fees for Overdue Items (KTAR News)
- No More Overdue Fines (Bethel Library) [MD] (Sun Journal)
- Why Anchorage [AK] Public Library Has Gone Fine-Free (Anchorage Daily News)
- Check It Out: Beverly [MA] Public Library Eliminates Overdue Fines (The Salem News)
- Big Changes Coming to Pasco [FL] Libraries (Tampa Bay Times)
- Brampton [Ontario, Canada] Library Has Been Recognized for its Children’s Fine-Free Materials Initiative (Bramptonist)
- Library Prepares to Go Fineless with 5K (Saline County) [AR] (The Saline Courier)
- Fine Time to Dump Library Fines [Manitoba, Canada] [OpEd] (Winnipeg Free Press)
- 100,000 Patrons Return to the Denver [CO] Public Library After Late Fine Elimination (Colorado Politics)
- Library System [OK] Does Away with Fines, Fees (Muskogee Phoenix)
- Local Libraries [ID] May Eliminate Fines on Overdue Books (Moscow-Pullman Daily News)
- Several Regional Libraries [ID] Eliminate Fines for Missed Due Dates (Lewiston Tribune)
- Grove [OK] Public Library Eliminates Overdue Fines for DVDs and Equipment (Grand Lake News)
- Eliminating Late Fees Didn’t Hurt Library’s Bottom Line [British Columbia, Canada] (The Interior News)
- New Braunfels [TX] Library to Go Fine-Free in February (KENS5)
- Lake Forest [IL] Library to go ‘Fine Free’ (The Lake Forest Leader Daily)
- Boulder [CO] Public Library Says Goodbye to Late Fees (Boulder Colorado Government)
- WCLS [WA] Permanently Eliminates Library Late Fees (The Northern Light)
- UM’s Mansfield [MT] Library Gets Rid of Overdue Fines (KHQ)
- Two Indiana [IN] Counties Become Latest to End Library Late Fees (WFYI)
- Montclair [NJ] Library Reports Uptick in Usage After Eliminating Overdue Fines (Montclair Local)
- Local Libraries [WA] Will Now BE Fine Free (LC Valley)
- Are Library Late Fines a Form of Social Inequity? Sault [Ontario, Canada] Looks at Dropping Them (SooToday)
- Monroe County [IN] Public Library Board of Trustees to Vote on Dropping Overdue Fines (Indiana Public Media)
- University of Montana’s Mansfield Library [MT] Eliminates Library Fines (KPAX)
- Waterford [WI] Public Library Going ‘Fine Free’ in an Effort to Increase Circulation after Road Project (The Journal Times)
- Anchorage [AK] Public Library Will No Longer Charge Fines for Overdue Materials (KTOO)
- Overdue Library Fees Eliminated at (Timberland Regional Libraries) [WA] (The Vidette)
- Eugene [OR] Library Eliminates Fines for Children, Teen Items (The Columbian)
- [IA] Library Waves Goodbye to Overdue Fines (Ottumwa Courier)
- Louis [MO] Area Nixes Library Fines, Joining Growing Trend (AP)
- Fine-Free Libraries, Zero-Fare Olympia [WA] Buses and Other Changes Coming to the Region in 2020 (The Daily World)
- Kaukauna [WI] Library Drops All Fines for Late Returns (WBAY ABC2)
- New Year, No Library Fines (Petoskey News) [MI]
- Bozeman [MT] Library to Be Fine-Free (NBC Montana)
- [OH]io Library Ends Fines for Overdue Books to Boost Access (13 WOWK)
- Bloomfield [NJ] Public Library to Eliminate Library Fines in 2020 (TapInto)
- A Year After Denver [CO] Public Library Ended Late Fees, Patrons – and Their Books – Are Returning (Denver Post)
- Geauga [OH] Library System to Go Fine-Free (The News-Herald)
- Waterlook, Cedar Falls [IA] Libraries Scrap Fines on Overdue Materials (WCF Courier)
- Lawrence [KS] Libraries Dropping Late Fines Amid National Push (San Francisco Chronicle)
- Fair Lawn [NJ] Library Eliminates Fines for Locally-Owned Materials (TapInto)
- Dane County [WI] Libraries Look to Join Growing Fine Free Library Trend (WKOW)
- America’s Largest Public Library Ditches Late Fees (Big Think)
- Van Buren [MI] District Library Eliminates Late Fees (WSJM)
- Some Library Are Changing Their Late Fee Policies, Recognizing Fines as a ‘Form of Social Inequity’ (The 21st)
- Emporia [KS] Public Library Looks to Future Upon Celebrating 150th Birthday (The Emporia Gazette)
- No More Fines for Late Borders [Scotland] Library Books (Border Telegraph)
- Wauwatosa [WI] Library Eliminates Overdue Fines for Children’s Materials (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
- Mesa County [CO] Libraries to Eliminate Overdue Fines in 2020 (WesternSlopeNow)
- Gravette [AR] Public Library Goes Fine-Free (Westside Eagle Observer)
- Three Linn County [IA] Libraries to Eliminate Fines for Overdue Materials (Little Village Magazine)
- Philadelphia [PA] Ends Library Fines (NPR)
- Los Angeles [CA] Libraries Announce Plan to Eliminate Late Fees (US News & World Report)
- Seattle [WA] Public Library Sets Start Date for Eliminating Overdue Fines (Seattle Times)
- Medina [OH] Libraries Cutting Late Fines for Good (Cleveland News 5)
- Fox River Valley [IL] Library District Going Fine-Free Starting January 1 (Chicago Tribune)
- Mid-Columbia [WA] Libraries Will No Longer Charge Overdue Fines (YakTriNews)
- Newmarket [Ontario, Canada] Library Cancelling Overdue Fines for Children’s Items (
- Riverina [NSW Australia] Regional Libraries Prepare to Close the Book on Overdue Fine in a Bid to Attract More Residents (The Daily Advertiser)
- Memphis [TN] Public Libraries to Eliminate Fines for Overdue Materials (Local Memphis)
- Advocate for Nixing Library Book Late Fees Gives Her Take On What’s Becoming a National Trend (WHYY)(Interview with Dawn Wacek)
- Kalamazoo [MI] Library Wipes Existing Debt & Will Eliminate Late Fees in 2020 (WKFR 103.3)
- Oak Bluffs [MA] Leads the Way on Eliminating Library Fines (Vineyard Gazette)
- Whatcom [WA] Libraries to Get Rid of Overdue Fines – Forgive Current Balances (My Ferndale News)
- No Fines, New Programs Mean More People are Going To Libraries in Forth Worth [TX] (CBS DFW)
- Eugene [OR] Library Eliminating Late Fees for Child, Teen Materials (KVAL 13)
- Canberra [Australia] Pardons $1.86 Million Worth of Outstanding Library Fines, Abolishes Late Fees (ABC Australia)
- Eugene [OR] Public Library to End Overdue Fines for Children and Teens (The Register-Guard)
- Overdue Books at the Boston [MA] Public Library Will Soon be Fine-Free for Readers Under 18 Years Old (
- Off the Shelf: [Southwest Public] Librar(ies) [OH] Ends Collection of Fines for Overdue Items (ThisWeek Community News)
- [Denison University OH] Library Eliminates Late Fees in Pursuit of Fostering Community Equity (The Denisonian)
- Leeds [UK] Libraries Axe Fines for Late Library Books (BBC)
- Fort Worth [TX] Library Now Fine Free, Existing Overdue Fines Forgiven (WBAP)
- Chicago [IL] to Become Largest US Public Library System to Go Fine-Free for Overdue Materials That Get Returned (Chicago Tribune)
- Late to Return That Book? Don’t worry, several Treasure Valley [ID] Libraries Are Now Fine Free (CBS 2 Idaho News)
- Buchanan [IN] Library to Eliminate Overdue Fees on Rentals (ABC57)
- Effington [IL] Public Library Card Holders Set Free From Fines (Daily News)
- Thousands of Sarasota County [FL] Kids Can Check Out Library Books Again (Herald-Tribune)
- Frederick County [MD] Public Libraries To Remove Late Fees for Children’s Materials (Frederick News-Post)
- [Glenn County CA] Local Libraries Eliminating Overdue Fines (Glenn County Transcript)
- ‘No Fines’ Policy Enacted for South Bend [IN] Students Who Turn in Late Library Books (South Bend Tribune)(School district!)
- San Francisco [CA] Library Eliminates Overdue Fines (KPIX CBS 5)
- (University of Dallas TX) Library Drops Late Fees and Seeks New Hire (The University News)
- Library Late Fines as Social Inequity: Librarians Consider Ditching Due-Date Fees (Nebraska NPR)
(Beth, Meg, and Andy are mentioned in the article.) - Sarasota County [FL] Ends Library Fines (Herald-Tribune)
- Phoenix [AZ] Approves Library Fine Forgiveness Program (KJZZ)
- Detroit [MI] Libraries Nix Late Fees (Michigan NPR)
- Waukesha [WI] Public Library Goes Fine-Free for Children’s Materials (WTMJ4 Milwaukee)
- No More Overdue Fines at the Idaho Falls [ID] Library (8ABC)
- Belmont [NH] Public Library is Going Fine-Free (Laconia Daily Sun)
- Marysville [OH] Library Doing Away with Late Fees (Marysville Journal-Tribune)
- Fines May Go the Way of the Card Catalog at Kalamazoo’s [MI] Public Library (WMUK 102.1)
- New Orleans [LA] Public Library is Eliminating Fines for Youth Materials (Mayor’s Office)
- Sequim Library, (North Olympic Library System) [WA] Branches Drop Overdue Materials Fines (Sequim Gazette)
- Westlake Porter [OH] Public Library is Going Fine-Free (
- Brooke County [OH] Library to Drop Most Fines (Herald-Star)
- Carnegie [Steuben County IN] Goes Fine Free (The Herald Republican)
- Ellsworth [ME] Public Library will go Fine Free for Children’s Materials (Bangor Daily News)
- Calvert Library [MD] Board of Library Trustees Votes in Fine Free Permanently (Southern Maryland News Net)
- Jones Library [MA] Eliminates Late Fees for All Patrons (Daily Hampshire Gazette)
- Libraries are Increasing Usage by Going Fine-Free (InfoToday)
- Muskegon Area [MI] District Library to Eliminate Fines for Children (WZZM13)
- Westlake [OH] Library Giving up on Fines (
- Late Fines Eliminated at Spokane [WA] Public Libraries (Houston Chronicle)
- Dundalk [Ireland] Library Gets a Makeover (The Argus)
- Fines, Overdue Fees Eliminated at Midland [MI] Library (Midland Daily News)
- Westlake [OH] Porter Public Library Will Go Fine Free Starting in September (Westlake-Bay Village Observer)
- West Georgia Library System First in State to Eliminate Overdue Fines (GPB/NPR)
- Local Libraries Join National Trend of Eliminating Library Fees [Idaho] (Idaho Press)
- Cleveland [OH] Public Library is Officially Fine-Free (Fox8 Cleveland)
- Mountain View [CA] Library Eliminates Overdue Fines (Los Altos Town Crier)
- No More Overdue Fines. Chattahoochee Valley [GA] Libraries’ New Policy to be First in Georgia (Ledger-Enquirer)
- Ellsworth [ME] Library Eliminates Fines for Overdue Children’s and Young Adult Materials (Ellsworth American)
- Oldham Council [UK] to Cancel Library Fines (Oldham Council)
- Overdue Book Fees No More at Tiffin-Seneca [OH] Public Library (Advertiser-Tribune)
- Libraries Across Connecticut Are Eliminating Overdue Fines (WNPR)
- Some People No Longer Have to Worry About These Fines at Halton Hills [Ontario Canada] Public Library (In Halton)
- Johnstown [NY] Public Library Goes ‘Fine Free’ (Daily Gazette)
- Lynchburg [VA] Public Library Eliminates Fines for Youth Materials (The News & Advance)
- [Jasper-Dubois IN] Library Board Joins Trend Eliminating Fines (The Herald)
- Improving Access to Your [Sonoma County CA] Library, Ongoing (The Healdsburg Tribune)
- Mountain View [CA] Library Eliminates Late Fees (Mountain View Voice)
- Indiana County [IN] Largely Eliminates Fines for Overdue Items (US News)
- Dubuque [IA] Drops Fines After Test Run (Radio Iowa)
- Fine Free at Culpepper County [VA] Library (Fauquier Times)
- Sonoma County [CA] Library Eliminates Fines for 80,000 Patrons (Sonoma County Gazette)
- Kansas City [MO] Public Library Ends Overdue Fines (Kansas City Star)
- Say Goodbye to Overdue Book Fines [Amery WI] (The Amery Free Press)
- The Times Recommends: Vote Yes on Seattle 2019 Library-Levy Renewal (Seattle Times)
- Elizabeth Taber Library [MA] is Fine with No Fines (Sippican Week)
- Dubuque [IA] Library Ditching Fines for Overdue Materials, Amnesty for Existing Fines (KCRG)
- Long Overdue: Oakland [CA] Public Libraries Go ‘Fine Free’, Part of a Growing Social Justice Movement
- No More Overdue Fines for Children’s Books at San Antonio [TX] Libraries (KSAT)
- Richland [SC] Library Gets Rid of Overdue Fines (Post and Courier)
- Pittsburg [KS] Public Library Eliminates Overdue Fines (The Morning Sun)
- Late Book? No Problem. Harrison County [KY] Public Library Eliminates Fines (WDRB)
- Camden County [NJ] Forgiving Most Overdue Library Fees Soon (KYW)
- Alameda County [CA] Library is Going Fine Free (PR Newswire)
- Marshall [WI] Library Going Fine-Free (The Courier)
- Columbus [OH] Public Library No Longer Charging for Overdue Fines (Columbus Journal)
- Altoona [WI] Library Going ‘Fine Free’ to Encourage More Reading (WQOW)
- Oakland [CA] Public Library to Get Rid of Fines and Late Fees (KQED)
- Salford [UK] Council Scraps Overdue Library Book Fines, Saying It Doesn’t Want Readers and Families to ‘Worry’ About Daily Charges (Manchester Evening News)
- Eau Claire [WI] County Libraries Go Fine-Free (WEAU)
- Montclair Public Library [NJ] Eliminates Late Fines for Overdue Books (
[Grand River MN Regional] Library: No More Late Fines for Kid, Teen Items (KNSI) - Dallas City Council [TX] Axes Library’s Overdue Fines, Plans to Zero-Out Past Fines (NBC DFW)
- Canyon Area [TX] Library is Now Fine Free (KFDA CBS 10)
- Paris [OH] Library Ending Overdue Fines (Urbana Daily Citizen)
- Maricopa County [AZ] Libraries to Stop Charging Late Fees (AZ Central)
- Arlington [MA] Libraries are FINE FREE (Blog post)
- Griffith Community [New South Wales, Australia] Embraces No Library Fines (Mirage News)
- Santa Barbara [CA] Library Plans to Eliminate Daily Overdue Library Fines to be More Equitable (Noozehawk)
- [Czech Republic] New Bill to Prevent Children from Falling into Debt (Czech Radio)
- [Tulare CA] County Library Closes the Book on Late Fees (Sun Gazette)
- Kent District Library [MI] Will Eliminate Late Fees Effective June 1 (
- Newfield [NY] Public Library Going Fine Free (
- [Johnstown NY] Public Library No Longer Charging Fines (Leader-Herald)
- Austin Public Library Eliminates Fines on Materials for Juveniles (Austin Daily Herald)
- Iowa City Public Library Preparing to Go Fine-Free for Children’s, Young Adult Materials (9ABC)
- Liberty Lake Library Eliminates Fines on Late Returns (Spokesman-Review)
- Why the Dallas Public Library Wants to Close the Book on Late Fees (NPR)
- Part of Seattle’s $213 Million Levy Would Eliminate Overdue Library Fines
- Library Fines Hit Seattle’s Lower-Income Neighborhoods Hardest
- FORGIVING: Driftwood Library’s New Overdue Fine Policy
- Library Fines Abolished in Plan to Double Membership (Irish Times)
- The latest trend in libraries: eliminating fines – Interview with Beth Crist and Meg DePriest (Princh)
- Denver Public Library Eliminates Fines (KDVR)
- Baltimore’s Pratt Library Goes Fine Free for Overdue Books
- An Overdue Discussion (American Libraries Magazine)
Reaction: Fines are Discriminatory (Letter to the Editor) (American Libraries Magazine, September/October 2018)
“Unless the fines are going to be based on income, they are inherently discriminatory, and it makes using the money for operating expenses absolutely unconscionable. It puts the burden of supporting the library on those least able to afford it and is antithetical to the profession’s ethical positions.” - The Fine Free Library: One Year Later (Medium)
- Death to Library Fines (The Outline)
- Doing Fine(s)? (Library Journal)
A survey of libraries that collect fines. - The End of Fines? (Library Journal)
- Mayor Suggests Fine-Free Libraries So “Everyone Can Check Out a Book” (Intellectual Takeout)
- The Case Against Library Fines – According to the Head of the New York Public Library (Quartz)
- Long Overdue: Why Public Library are Finally Eliminating the Late-Return Fine (Slate)
- Libraries are Dropping Overdue Fines – But Can They Afford To? (Huffington Post)
- Libraries Are Fining Children Who Can’t Afford to Be Without Books (New York Times)
- Little Library with a Big Heart (Library Journal)
via the Internet Archive
- How One Overdue Book Can Hurt Your Credit Score (New York Times)
- Better Late than Never (School Library Journal)
“… the issue of late fines almost always comes up. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when the Columbus (OH) Metropolitan Library surveyed their young patrons and discovered that 41 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds said their library cards were blocked due to overdue materials. These kids weren’t using the library because they couldn’t afford it.”
- Grassroots Report: A Fine Madness (American Libraries)[Excerpt]
Oct 2006, Vol. 37 Issue 9, p45-45. 1p (found via Academic Search Premier) - Philadelphia Backs off Fine Policy (Library Journal)
2/15/2006, Vol. 131 Issue 3, p20-20. 1/8p.
“A year ago, the library doubled daily book fines to a formidable 50¢ per day but, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, that actually deterred use. “Fewer books were coming back, and people were not paying fines…but, more important, we saw evidence that fewer people were borrowing books,” director Elliot Shelkrot told the newspaper. Fine revenue for 2005 was $760,000, down from the $780,000 it collected the previous year. So, the library has reversed its policy, and fines are now 25¢ a day.”
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