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Over 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources (Categorized)

Over 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources (Categorized)

“The Best Blogs and Websites about Infographics

  1. – Awesome community for creating and sharing infographics.
  2. Information Aesthetics – The relationship between design and information.
  3. – Making sense of complex issues through data and design.
  4. Visual Complexity – A resource for the visualization of complex networks.
  5. Daily Infographic – A new infographic every day.
  6. GOOD Infographics – GOOD Magazine’s excellent infographics section.
  7. Information Is Beautiful – Ideas, issues, knowledge, data – visualized.
  8. Infographic of the Day – Fast Company’s excellent and long running series.
  9. FlowingData – Exploring how designers, scientists visualize data.
  10. Datastore / Datablog – Two great data journalism sites from the Guardian.
  11. Infographics Archive – A visual library offering infographics.
  12. Visual Loop – There’s an infographic for it… even if it didn’t happen!
  13. Infographr – All about infographics.
  14. Newsilike – An infographics blog from India.
  15. Video Infographics – Motion infographics that explain, educate or inform.
  16. – A news and knowledge resource for data visualization.
  17. VisualJournalism – 80% of the news in infographics.
  18. Eagereyes – Reflections on the visual communication of data.
  19. Amazing Infographics – Cool information graphics.
  20. Submit Infographics – Share and rate infographics.
  21. The Infographics Showcase – Collecting infographics.
  22. I Love Charts – A Tumblr blog about charts.
  23. Well Formed Data – An infographics blog by a freelance data visualizer.
  24. Best Infographics – Pointing you toward great infographics.
  25. Infographic List – For those who love infographics.

Data Visualization Tools and Software

  1. Piktochart – Transforms your information into memorable presentations.
  2. – Create interactive charts and infographics.
  3. Gephi – Like Photoshop for data. Graph visualization and manipulation software.
  4. Tableau Public – Free data visualization software.
  5. Free Vector Infographic Kit – Vector infographic elements from MediaLoot.
  6. – Create infographics online.
  7. Weave – Web-based analysis and visualization environment.
  8. iCharts – Charts made easy.
  9. ChartsBin – A web-based data visualization tool.
  10. GeoCommons – See your data on a map.
  11. VIDI – A suite of powerful Drupal visualization modules.
  12. Prefuse – Information visualization software.
  13. StatSilk – Desktop and online software for mapping and visualization.
  14. Gliffy – Online diagram and flowchart software.
  15. Hohli – Online charts builder.
  16. Many Eyes – Lets you upload data and create visualizations.
  17. Google Chart Tools – Display live data on your site.
  18. Visme

Data Sources

  1. DataMarket – Find and understand data.
  2. The Data Hub – The easy way to get, use and share data.
  3. Knoema – Your personal knowledge highway.
  4. WorldMap – Explore, visualize and publish geographic information.
  5. Get the Data – Ask and answer data questions.
  6. Influence Explorer – Provides overviews of political influence data for politicians.
  7. US Census Bureau – Measures America (people, places, economy).
  8. – A comprehensive list of open data catalogs.
  9. Freebase – An entity graph of people, places and things from Google.
  10. World Bank Data – The world at a glance (key development indicators).
  11. Data360 – Telling compelling and data-driven stories.
  12. Number Of – You ask, they count.
  13. Gallup – Public opinion polls.
  14. EveryBlock – Uncovers info on large cities contained in government databases.
  15. Daytum – Helps you collect, organize and communicate your everyday data.
  16. Google Public Data – Filter and animate data sets from around the world.
  17. Gapminder – Displays time series of development statistics for all countries.
  18. Munterbund – Graphical visualization of text similarities in essays.

Create Personal Infographics

  1. Biogrify – Create a fun visual snapshot of your life.
  2. Vizify TweetSheet – Your Twitter activity as an instant infographic.
  3. Photo Stats – App for creating iPhone infographics out of your photo data.
  4. – A visual resume tool.
  5. – Visualize your resume in one click.
  6. Kinzaa – Build your infographic resume.

JavaScript / Flash Infographic Tools

  1. KeyLines – A JavaScript toolkit for visualizing networks.
  2. d3.js – Free JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.
  3. InfoVis Toolkit – A JavaScript tool for creating interactive data visualizations.
  4. Flare – Makes it easy to create interactive data visualizations (ActionScript).
  5. JS Charts – Free JavaScript charts.
  6. FusionCharts – JavaScript (HTML5) and Flash charts.
  7. amCharts – JavaScript and HTML charts.
  8. Highcharts – Interactive JavaScript charts.

Great Infographic Studios and Designers

  1. Column Five – Creating visual content that brings people to your site.
  2. FFunction – Data visualization consulting.
  3. Interactive Things – A user experience and data visualization studio.
  4. Periscopic – An agency whose tagline is “do good with data”.
  5. Fathom – Helps clients understand and express complex data.
  6. JESS3 – Creative agency specializing in data visualization.
  7. Visual Evolution – London-based infographic design.
  8. – Create understanding through visuals.
  9. Prime Infographics – Creates custom infographics for businesses.

Infographic Articles and Tutorials

  1. How to Create Outstanding Modern Infographics – Vectortuts+
  2. Infographic: Do-It-Yourself Guide to Infographics – Marketing Tech Blog
  3. A Few Rules for Making Homemade Infographics – The Atlantic Wire
  4. The Do’s and Don’ts of Infographic Design – Smashing Magazine
  5. How to Create a Great Infographics (Slideshow) – The Content Lab
  6. Design a Magazine Infographic – Digital Arts
  7. Create an Infographic Typography Animation – aetuts+
  8. How to Create Great Infographics – .net magazine
  9. The Anatomy of an Infographic – SpyreStudios
  10. How to Strike a Balance Between Data and Visualization – The Daily Egg
  11. 7 Steps to Make Your Infographic a Success – SEOmoz

Other / Miscellaneous / Overflow

  1. Wolfram CDF – Create “infoapps” using always-current data.
  2. Kaggle – Making data science a sport.
  3. KISSmetrics Infographics – Useful infographics by KISSmetrics.
  4. Better World Flux – A beautiful interactive visualization of what matters in life.
  5. Data Wrangler – Interactive tool for data cleaning and transformation.
  6. Lyza – Analyze, socialize, decide.
  7. A World of Tweets – Twitter visualization.
  8. QlikView – Business intelligence for everyone.
  9. We Feel Fine – An exploration of human emotion.
  10. Visual Economics – Unraveling complexities in financial data.
  11. ComponentArt DV – Present, navigate and visualize your data like never before.
  12. DOMO – Business intelligence platform.
  13. Infochimps – Big data infrastructure made clear.
  14. Evaluat3 – The best way to know your professional strengths (graphs).
  15. Webpages As Graphics – An HTML DOM visualizer app.
  16. Creately – Draw diagrams online using a collaborative approach.
  17. Wordle – Create beautiful word clouds.
  18. Tagxedo – Word clouds with style.”
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Posted on: February 5, 2021, 11:42 am Category: Uncategorized

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