“Seven Guiding Principles for Open Research Information”
“From the Leiden Madtrics Blog:
In 2020 and 2021 we took part in a Taskforce on Responsible Management of Research Information that developed seven Guiding Principles for Open Research Information. One of us, Alastair Dunning, recently worked with a designer to publish a slightly updated and more visually appealing version of the Guiding Principles. This is a good occasion to bolster the principles, which we believe should be widely read and lived up to in the Netherlands and beyond.
The guiding principles are trusted and transparent provenance, openness of metadata, openness of algorithms, enduring access and availability, open standards and interoperability, open collaboration with third parties, and academic sovereignty through governance.
Learn More, Read the Complete Blog Post
Direct to Seven Guiding Principles for Open Research Information Document (via Zenodo)”
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